Do Wide Gaps Bring On Tooth Decay?

Teeth Gap

teeth-gapAre any of your teeth further apart than your others? Some people are concerned that having a wide gap between your teeth might make them more susceptible to tooth decay and similar problems. If this is a concern for you, our Bellevue dentist office has everything you need to know.

The good news is that a wide gap between two teeth does not make it more likely that you will experience tooth decay. In fact, since it is easier to clean between two teeth that are a little further apart than normal, you may actually be less likely to get a cavity on the side of your tooth. It is when two teeth are particularly close together that you may have a problem, as it can be difficult to get floss in far enough to properly clean between your teeth.

Your real concern should be about the strength of your teeth. When some of your teeth have wider gaps between them than others, at least some of your teeth are probably crooked. This means that your bite is weaker, and you may be in need of braces or similar corrective dental work.

Call our Bellevue dentist if you have any questions or want a consultation for further professional dental advice.

Being Concerned with the Elderly’s Oral Health

Dental Issues of the Elderly

The elderly, those 60 years and above, are a very special group of patients. With not a few medical concerns to think about, the elderly is also prone to dental health issues. You still have to practise proper oral hygiene – brushing and flossing – as you did when you were as young as your grand- children. Wearing crowns, implants and dentures may have been a part of your younger adult experience but you can still enjoy optimal oral health in spite of these, or because of these. Regular dental visits ensure they perform optimally or will need new ones as you usher in your elderly years.

There is also the link between intake of medications and dental cavities. The elderly are usually on many types of medicines for a variety of illnesses and one common side-effect of many is dry mouth. With decrease saliva production, bacteria build-up occurs easily and attacks tooth structure, leading to cavity formations. You must irrigate your mouth more frequently.

If as younger adults, you do not mind gingivitis and just let this silent inflammation of the gums take its course, you might develop the advanced form of the condition – periodontal disease. You’d notice receding gums exposing roots, or that your teeth seem to appear longer, and deep pockets are surrounding your teeth where food debris and bacteria can lodge. In serious cases, periodontal disease can destroy gums, bone and ligaments. This situation can be avoided and treated if you keep regular appointments and follow dentist’s advice.

Compassionate Dental Care for the Elderly in Bellevue

See your Bellevue dentist soon for an appointment. Overlake Dental is a compassionate center for patients of all ages. The elderly, in particular, are a special group with unique needs we look after.

Do Sugar-Free Sodas Rot Your Teeth?

Sugar Free Soda

We all know that soda is very hard on your teeth. The sugars in these bubbly beverages create a feeding frenzy for your oral bacteria, which can make quick work of your tooth enamel and delicate gum tissues. Knowing this, it can be tempting to switch to sugar-free sodas as a more tooth-friendly alternative. But is this really the solution you’re looking for?

What many people fail to understand is that the sugar content of sodas is only the tip of the iceberg. Sodas, just like all other carbonated beverages, are highly acidic substances. Just like the acid that is produced by your oral bacteria, this acid compromises your thin tooth enamel and leaves you vulnerable to dental caries. Since sugar-free sodas have just as much carbonation as conventional sodas, they have much of the same tooth-rotting power.

Tips After Drinking Soda

When you drink soda, consider following it up with a glass of water to rinse out your mouth, or a glass of milk to neutralize the acid. If you remain mindful of your habits, and always keep your appointments with our Bellevue dentist, Dr. Yu, you should be able to decrease your chances of tooth decay and gum disease.

Bulimia vs. Your Teeth

Bulimia is an unfortunate eating disorder. Though it is unhealthy in many of the same ways that anorexia is, it is different in the sense that a bulimic person is perfectly willing to eat food so long as he or she regurgitates it shortly thereafter before it has a chance to be absorbed by the body. This not only serves to mask the eating disorder, as a bulimic individual frequently looks perfectly healthy, but it also has an additional effect on the oral health of the individual.

If you’ve ever known bulimic people, you may have noticed that they have a tendency to lose their teeth. This is a direct result of their habitual regurgitation of their meals. Every time they vomit, the harsh acids of their stomachs are washing over their throats, teeth, and gums. In exactly the same way that the acid produced by your oral bacteria breaks down your enamel and delicate tissues, your stomach acid is also capable of inviting tooth decay and gum disease upon yourself.

Should you or someone you know struggle with bulimia, our Bellevue dentist strongly advises that you seek help. There is nothing worthwhile about starving yourself and destroying your teeth in the process.

Treating Hypersensitive Teeth at Bellevue Overlake Dental

Hypersensitive Teeth Causes

Have you been noticing that your teeth has been sensitive? For example, when you drink hot or cold beverages.

Most of the time, the sensitivity passes by quickly. If you can feel an increased sensitivity, you should get it checked by your dentist.

It is possible that you may have hypersensitive teeth. The most common causes are the exposure of the roots. Caused by receding gums. Another cause can be the exposure of dentin, which is the layer underneath the enamel. If there has been erosion on your enamel, it can cause sensitivity. Harsh brushing, strong toothpaste or chronic gum inflammation can also cause hypersensitivity.

For enamel erosion, high acidic foods, teeth whitening or bleaching or smoking can be the causing factors. It softens the enamel exposing your dentin. There are nerves connected to your teeth and can be sensitive to outside elements. Other common causes of hypersensitivity are cavities, a cracked or chipped tooth, or a recent filling.

Care and Attention to Sensitivity

Here at Overlake Dental, your Bellevue dentist, Dr. Monica Yu must can determine the cause of the sensitivity so that appropriate treatment is provided. Dr. Yu has seen many cases of highly sensitive teeth. He will say that your teeth are trying to tell you what’s wrong and that you shouldn’t ignore the symptoms.